Instructor Database
Jeff Bryant
(815) 994-6793
Fire Attack
Fire Hose & Appliances
FF Survival / Self-Rescue
Forcible Entry
Engine Company
Search & Rescue
Water Supply
Truck Company
Ground Ladders
Highrise & Standpipe
Nozzles & Streams
Decision Making
Team Building
3rd generation fireman with 17 years on the job. Started my career for a small paid on call fire department. Would eventually become the training coordinator and assist with several local fire trainings and conferences. Then worked for a few small part time and contract fire departments before getting hired by the Aurora Fire Department (IL). Currently assigned to Truck 2 in downtown Aurora. I have a passion for Engine work and Truck work. Everything from flowing lines, search, force entry, and much more.
FireNuggets / FireNuggets Illinois
Brothers in Battle
Firefighter Rescue Survey
Firemanship Conference 2024