The PNW Fire Conference revolves around a mission encapsulated by three fundamental words: Impact, Experience, and Relationships.
Whether you are a novice firefighter or a seasoned chief officer nearing retirement, we are confident that you will find value in participating in this conference. You will have the chance to train with top-notch instructors and network with hundreds of like-minded attendees from all over North America.
With the dedication of over 65 cadre members investing their passion, time, and effort, we aim to create an exceptional and impactful experience for everyone present. Additionally, one of our big missions with this event is to raise awareness and funds for the WSCFF Burn Foundation. Last year, we were able to fundraise over $25,000 through raffle and merchandise sales. We’re hoping to do even better this year, but need your support to make that happen.
The entire PNW Fire Conference Cadre would like to thank you for supporting this training conference and we look forward to seeing you there!
Incredible lineup of lectures, seminars, and HOT classes!