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SFT Certification Examination Evaluator Training

SFT Certification Examination Evaluator Training


This course provides in-depth instruction on the registration requirements for Registered Lead Evaluators and Skills Evaluators, processes and procedures to request and successfully deliver both written and skills certification examinations, and information on making the transition from instructor to evaluator. 


Personnel affiliated with an Accredited Regional Training Program (ARTP) or an Accredited Local Academy (ALA) who will be serving as either a Registered Lead Evaluator or Skills Evaluator for a certification examination process (written and/or skills). 

Berkeley, CA

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SFT Ethical Leadership

SFT Ethical Leadership


This course provides the knowledge and skills needed to identify the value of ethical behavior in instructional settings, describe how ethical norms influence individual ethics, identify a personal ethical perspective and core values and how they impact communication and ethical decision making, and make an ethical decision using an ethical decision-making model, in order to assist in making ethical decisions when faced with an ethical dilemma in an instructional setting and carry out the roles and responsibilities of an SFT instructor in an ethical manner.


Individuals who wish to teach State Fire Training courses as a registered instructor


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Fire Apparatus Driver Operator 1A
to Apr 25

Fire Apparatus Driver Operator 1A

  • Copperopolis Fire Protection District (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Fireground Solutions, LLC

This course provides the knowledge and skills needed to perform preventative maintenance on and drive or operate a fire apparatus. Topics include routine tests, inspections, and servicing functions; operating, backing, maneuvering, and turning a fire apparatus under a variety of conditions; and operating all fixed systems and equipment on a fire apparatus. This course fulfills the requirements for a Class C driver’s license fire fighter endorsement.

Each day is scheduled for 0900-1700/PCT

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S-223 Fireline EMT
to Mar 16

S-223 Fireline EMT

March 15th & 16th, 2025
Twain Harte, CA


This course provides the skills and knowledge needed to perform in the role of Fireline EMT/Paramedic (EMTF/EMPF). Key learning concepts includeposition overview, equipment and supplies, assignments, communications, Incident Action Plans and ICS forms, GPS and land navigation, firelinesafety, medical emergencies, and lessons learned specific to the wildland arena. Designed For: Emergency medical technicians or paramedicsseeking qualification to work on a fireline 


S-290 Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior

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Ethical Leadership for Instructors

Ethical Leadership for Instructors

SFT: Ethical Leadership for Instructors
Instructed by Markus Reagan

March 3, 2025
McClellan Park, CA

Course Description 

This course provides the knowledge and skills needed to identify the value of ethical behavior in instructional settings, describe how ethical norms influenceindividual ethics, identify a personal ethical perspective and core values and how they impact communication and ethical decision making, and make an ethicaldecision using an ethical decision-making model, in order to assist in making ethical decisions when faced with an ethical dilemma in an instructional setting andcarry out the roles and responsibilities of an SFT instructor in an ethical manner.

Designed for:

Individuals who wish to teach State Fire Training courses as a registered instructor and anyone interested in pursuing ethical behavior in an instructional setting.

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Instructor 1
to Feb 28

Instructor 1

SFT: Instructor 1
Instructed by Markus Reagan

February 24-28, 2025
McClellan Park, CA

Course Description

This course provides the skills and knowledge needed for the entry level professional instructor to perform his or her duties safely, effectively, and competently.The curriculum is based on the 2012 edition of NFPA 1041 Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications. At the end of this course, candidatesfor Instructor I certification will be able to teach and deliver instruction from a prepared lesson plan utilizing instructional aids and evaluation instruments. TheInstructor I will also be able to adapt a lesson plan and complete the reporting requirements to the local jurisdiction.

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SFT S-290 Intermediate Fire Behavior
to Jan 31

SFT S-290 Intermediate Fire Behavior

January 28-31, 2025
Hayward, CA


This is a classroom-based skills course designed to prepare the prospective fireline supervisor / single resource boss / company officer to undertake safe and effective fire management operations. Fire environment differences are discussed.  


S-290 Intermediate Fire Behavior (classroom delivery only) is a prerequisite for Company Officer 2E: Wildland Incident Operations


National Weather Service Incident Meteorologist (IMET)
Fire Behavior Analyst (FBAN)


S-190 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior

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SFT Driver Operator 1B
to Jan 24

SFT Driver Operator 1B

SFT Driver Operator 1B

January 20-24, 2025
0800 - 1700hrs
Instructed by Jeff Oliver & Trevor Moureaux
Woodland, CA

This course provides information on pumping apparatus preventative maintenance and operations. Topics include routine tests, inspections, and servicing functions; producing hand, master, and foam fire streams, relay pump operations, and supplying water to fire sprinkler and standpipe systems. This course is based on the 2014 edition of NFPA 1002 Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications.

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SFT S-290: Intermediate Fire Behavior
to Jan 16

SFT S-290: Intermediate Fire Behavior

Sacramento Fire (CA)


This is a classroom-based skills course designed to prepare the prospective fireline supervisor / single resource boss / company officer to undertake safe and effective fire management operations. Fire environment differences are discussed.  

Charlie Blakenheim

S-190 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior

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Company Officer 2A: HR Management
to Jan 10

Company Officer 2A: HR Management

  • Oakland Fire Department Training Division (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sterling Fire Training

0830 – 1630 each day

This course provides information on the use of human resources to accomplish assignments, evaluating member performance, supervising personnel, and integrating health and safety plans, policies, and procedures into daily activities as well as the emergency scene.

Students should bring:

Manager’s Guide to the California Firefighters Bill of Rights Act, 3rd Edition, Morris Publishing

and either:

Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, fourth edition, International Fire Service Training Association, 2007, 0879392819


Fire Officer: Principles and Practice, second edition, Jones and Bartlett, 2010, 9781449600621

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All Hazard Safety Officer (LO954)
to Jan 10

All Hazard Safety Officer (LO954)

FEMA NIMS ICS: All-Hazards Safety Officer (L0954):The goal of this professional development course is to provide federal, state, and local-level emergency responders with an overview of key duties and responsibilities of a Safety Officer in a Type III All-Hazards IncidentManagement Team (AHIMT).

Course Objectives:
•Explain the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)regulations and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards to response operations.
•Explain the role and responsibilities of the Safety Officer in assuming the position and creating an attitude of safety on an incident.
•Identify the information that the Safety Officer must obtain when beginning work on an incident and potential source for obtaining that information.
•Contrast between a hazard and a safety risk.
•Identify techniques used to prioritize hazards for mitigation, as well as several types of mitigation and accident prevention.
•Develop an ICS Form 215A, Incident Action Plan Safety Analysis, given a scenario.

•IS-100 Introduction to the Incident Command System (ICS), ICS 100
•IS-200 Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response, ICS 200
•E/L/G 0300 Intermediate Incident Command System for Expanding Incidents, ICS 300
•ICS-400 Advanced ICS: Command and General Staff-Complex Incidents
•IS-700 An Introduction to the National Incident Management System(NIMS)
•IS-800 National Response Framework (NRF), An Introduction

Course Length: 28.75 hours
Course Code: L0954-1-24

To register, contact: Barbara Livanos
(916) 203-3443 /

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Company Officer 2D - All Risk Command Operations
to Dec 13

Company Officer 2D - All Risk Command Operations

Sterling Fire Training

0830 – 1700 hours all days

This course provides information on conducting incident size-up, developing and implementing an initial plan of action involving single and multi-unit operations for various types of emergency incidents to mitigate the situation following agency safety procedures, conducting pre-incident planning, and develop and conduct a post-incident analysis.

Extensive time will be spent performing group and individual Incident Command exercises

Students should bring either:

Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, fourth edition, International Fire Service Training Association, 2007, 0879392819


Fire Officer: Principles and Practice, second edition, Jones and Bartlett, 2010, 9781449600621

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Chief Fire Officer 3D - Command of Expanding Incidents
to Dec 5

Chief Fire Officer 3D - Command of Expanding Incidents

  • Contra Costa Co. Fire District Training Division (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sterling Fire Training

0830-1700 each day

This course provides students with a basic knowledge of the emergency service requirements related to the roles and responsibilities of a Chief Fire Officer including developing a plan for the integration of fire services resources, developing an agency resource contingency plan, evaluating incident facilities, supervising multiple resources, developing and utilizing an incident action plan, obtaining incident information to facilitate transfer of command, developing and conducting a post-incident analysis, and maintaining incident records.

Prerequisites: Meet the educational requirements for Company Officer or five (5) years as a career officer (Lieutenant or higher), or seven (7) years as a volunteer officer (Lieutenant or higher) or five (5) years CAL FIRE Fire Apparatus Engineer

Required Text: Chief Officer: Principles and Practice (International Association of Fire Chiefs 3rd or 4th Edition, Jones & Bartlett Learning)  

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Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior (S-290)
to Nov 22

Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior (S-290)

State Fire Training S-290 Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior(S-290): This is a classroom-based skills course designed to prepare the prospective fireline supervisor to undertake safe and effective fire management operations. It is the second course in a series that collectively serves to develop fire behavior prediction knowledge and skills.

Course Objectives:
• Identify and describe the characteristics of fuels, weather, and topography that influence wildland fire behavior.
• Describe the interaction of fuels, weather, and topography on wildland fire behavior, fireline tactics, and safety.
• Describe the causes of extreme fire behavior conditions (long range spotting, crowning, and fire whirls) that develop due to weather, fuels, and/or topography.
• Interpret, communicate, apply, and document wildland fire behavior and weather information.

• S-190:Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior
• Satisfactory completion of pre-selection assessment and pre-coursework

Course Length: 32 hours
Course Code: S-290-2-24

Register by making contact with Barbara Livanos
(916) 203-3443 /

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Company Officer 2B - General Administrative Functions
to Nov 20

Company Officer 2B - General Administrative Functions

Sterling Fire Training

830 – 1700 hours all days

This course provides information on general administrative functions and the implementation of department policies and procedures and addresses conveying the fire department’s role, image, and mission to the public.

Students should bring either:

Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, fourth edition, International Fire Service Training Association, 2007, 0879392819


Fire Officer: Principles and Practice, second edition, Jones and Bartlett, 2010, 9781449600621

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SPRAT Level I, II, & III
to Nov 22

SPRAT Level I, II, & III

Society of Professional Rope Access Technicians: Level I, II, & III
Instructed by Elevated Safety

Times: 0830-1600 each day

This 4 day rope access training is for SPRAT Certification Levels and concluded by 1 day with SPRAT Evaluator. One level taught per course. These courses teach workers how to safely access structures using two-rope systems, as well as advanced techniques of structural progression and rescue.

November 18-22: Register

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River and Flood Rescue Boat Technician
to Nov 21

River and Flood Rescue Boat Technician

This 40 hour technician program is a comprehensive boat operations course delivered on the IRB and Jon boat platform in static and dynamic water, up to class 3 whitewater.  During the course, students learn the fundamentals of hydrology and how it relates to boat operation, design, and construction.  Other skills covered are operation and maintenance of inflatable and aluminum boats and outboard engines, SAR theory and techniques utilizing the IRB and GPS, self rescue and victim recovery strategy and techniques.  Using both paddles and outboard engines, students will get 4 days of hands on skills development evolutions, emphasizing: use and avoidance of hydraulics, ferrying and pinning drills in various current flows, towing, docking, pacing and crew transfer, self recovery and victim pickup and recovery sequences, throwbagging from an IRB, and deploying a rescue swimmer from an IRB.  Other exercises include a night search and rescue simulation and multiple scenario situations, that allow the students to integrate their newly developed skills in realistic rescue simulations. 

Students will receive the new CA State Fire Training 40 hour R&FRT Boat certificate.  FEMA US&R members may also get their taskbook signed off for IRB and Jon Boat in this course.

Prerequisites:  DBAW Safe Boater Certification and Swiftwater Rescue Certificate or SFT River and Flood Rescue Tech Certificate *Please contact our instructors with prereq questions prior to registering*

Required PPE:

* Helmet
* Live Bait Type V PFD
* Wetsuit or Drysuit
* Water Shoes
* Gloves

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Chief Fire Officer 3C - General Administration Functions
to Nov 14

Chief Fire Officer 3C - General Administration Functions

  • Contra Costa Co. Fire District Training Division (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sterling Fire Training

This course provides students with a basic knowledge of the administration requirements related to the roles and responsibilities of a Chief Fire Officer including directing a department record management system, analyzing and interpreting records and data, developing a model plan for continuous organizational improvement, developing a plan to facilitate approval, preparing community awareness programs, and evaluating the inspection program of the AHJ.

Prerequisites: Meet the educational requirements for Company Officer or five (5) years as a career officer (Lieutenant or higher), or seven (7) years as a volunteer officer (Lieutenant or higher) or five (5) years CAL FIRE Fire Apparatus Engineer

Required Text: Chief Officer: Principles and Practice (International Association of Fire Chiefs 3rd or 4th Edition, Jones & Bartlett Learning)

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SFT Fire Investigation 1C
to Nov 15

SFT Fire Investigation 1C

This course provides information on legal considerations for a court proceeding. Topics include coordinating expert resources, formulating an opinion, presenting investigative findings, and testifying during legal proceedings.

Fire Investigation 1A: Basic Fire Investigation &
Fire Investigation 1B: Evidence and Documentation, &
PC 832(a) Arrest

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Company Officer 2A: HR Management
to Nov 7

Company Officer 2A: HR Management

  • Richmond Fire Department Training Division (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sterling Fire Training

This course provides information on the use of human resources to
accomplish assignments, evaluating member performance, supervising
personnel, and integrating health and safety plans, policies, and procedures
into daily activities as well as the emergency scene.

0830 – 1630 each day

Students should bring:

Manager’s Guide to the California Firefighters Bill of Rights Act, 3rd Edition, Morris Publishing

and either:

Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, fourth edition, International Fire Service Training Association, 2007, 0879392819


Fire Officer: Principles and Practice, second edition, Jones and Bartlett, 2010, 9781449600621

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Engine Boss (S-231)
to Nov 1

Engine Boss (S-231)

State Fire Training S-231 Engine Boss (S-231): This is a skill course designed to produce student proficiency in the performance of the duties associated with Engine Boss, Single Resource (ENGB). Topics include engine and crew capabilities and limitations, information sources, fire size up considerations, tactics, and wildland/urban interface.

• S-230 Crew Boss

Course Length: 16 hours
Course Code: S-231-1-24

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SFT Driver Operator 1A
to Oct 31

SFT Driver Operator 1A

Instructed by Jeff Oliver & Trevor Moureaux

This course provides information on fire apparatus preventive maintenance and driving/operating. Topics include routine tests, inspections, and servicing functions, operate, back, maneuver, and turn a fire apparatus in a variety of conditions; and operate all fixed systems and equipment on a fire apparatus. This course is based on the 2014 edition of NFPA 1002 Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications. This course fulfills the requirements for a Class C Firefighter Endorsement.

Required Textbook (Buy, Rent, E-Book, Etc): Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator, Second Edition, Jones & Bartlett, ISBN: 9781284026917 


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Crew Boss (S-230)
to Oct 30

Crew Boss (S-230)

State Fire Training S-230 Crew Boss (S-230): This is a classroom course designed to produce student proficiency in the performance of duties associated with the single resource boss position from initial dispatch through demobilization to the home unit. Topics include operational leadership, preparation and mobilization, assignment preparation, risk management, entrapment avoidance, safety and tactics, offline duties, demobilization, and post-incident responsibilities.

S-290 Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior (classroom delivery only)

Course Length: 24 hours
Course Code: S-230-1-24

Register by making contact with Barbara Livanos
(916) 203-3443 /

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SFT Trench Rescue Technician
to Oct 25

SFT Trench Rescue Technician

This three-day (24 hour) course will take you from classroom discussion to working safely and efficiently in a trench rescue environment. This hands-on training program will cover topics that include: Trench and Excavation Regulations, Understanding Soil, Trench Configurations, Trench Hazards, Rescue Team Preparation, Incident Response, Initial On Scene and Pre-Entry Operations, Shoring Systems and Components, Installation of Shoring Systems, Victim Rescue and Recovery and Incident Termination.

What to bring: Lunch, work boots (steel-toed preferred), helmet (wildland helmet preferred), long pants (wildland pants preferred), long sleeve shirt (wildland jacket preferred), leather gloves, protective glasses, and drinking water.

Pre-Requisites: Rescue Systems I


USAR Training Site (HOT)
5520 Shelter Road
McClellan Park, CA 95652

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